General Guitar Discussion
Post here if you have an instrument rescue tale, a current restoration project, a vintage instrument acquisition, a prized instrument, an unusual guitar or a guitar story to share with visitors
Moderators:cheepaxes, VintAxe, Phizix
What's New?
Here is the place to post your latest discoveries related to guitars, amps, effects, books, websites, etc. Let us know what you have found.
Moderators:VintAxe, Phizix
Online Auction Guitar Listings and Alerts
Direct Visitors to interesting guitars on eBay, alert visitors to items you are selling through online auctions or Craigslist. You can also report scammers and share stories related to online transactions
Moderators:cheepaxes, VintAxe, Phizix
The Lounge
This is the place to discuss bands, pedals, technique or a memorable gig experience. All noninstrument related musical topics are welcome
Moderators:VintAxe, Phizix