(Über Rare!) Vintage 1973 Maxon Pickup Loaded Strat Pickguard
from a '73 "LAWSUIT ERA" Strat!
Amazing Find, Super Rare!
Highest Quality Everything!
Rave Reviews! See Pics!
"Maxon (Nisshin Onpa) started out in the mid 1960s as a guitar pickup manufacturer. Nisshin Onpa has manufactured pickups for Aria, Ibanez and Greco guitars. The Ibanez "Super 70" and "Super 58" pickups and also the Greco "U-2000" and "Dry Z" pickups were made by Nisshin Onpa. In 1969 they also became an effects pedal manufacturer, primarily as a producer of OEM products for other companies. "
"Greco and Ibanez Nisshin Onpa (Maxon) pickup serial number format consisting of 5 numbers up to and including 1977. Ibanez Super 70 pickups have the same serial number format.
First number = Nisshin Onpa (Maxon) pickup code (1, 2, etc)
Second number = Year (7=1977)
Third number = Month (0=Jan ... 9=Oct then .=Nov, X=Dec)
Fourth and Fifth number = Day of Month (01-31)
Greco and Ibanez Nisshin Onpa (Maxon) pickup serial number format consisting of 6 numbers from 1977 to 1982.
First number = Nisshin Onpa (Maxon) pickup code (1, 2, etc)
Second number = Year (9=1979)
Third and Fourth number = Month (01=Jan ... 12=Dec)
Fifth and sixth number = Day of Month (01-31) "
https://reverb.com/item/831195-trade-ub ... -greco-etc
My guitar pickup:

Pickup is made 1974 so the guitar is 1974 or 1975