Vintage Guitars

Catalog Subscription Information

What You Get When You Subscribe to the Catalogs
We have the largest collection of vintage guitar literature available on the Internet right here at VintAxe. Our high resolution scans have excellent color contrast and even the smallest print can be read. We currently have over 2,000 guitar, amplifier and gear catalogs available for viewing. Your subscription gives you access to all catalogs on VintAxe.

What You Pay to Subscribe to the Catalogs
Due to the cost of keeping this large collection of images online, we are asking that visitors interested in viewing the catalogs pay a small subscription fee to help offset some of the cost of buying, scanning and hosting the catalogs. For a low subscription price of $10, you will have access to thousands of dollars worth of vintage catalogs for one month. If you want longer access to the catalogs, we offer discounted subscription rates for 6 month and Annual subscriptions. A 6 month subscription is $35 and an annual subscription is $50 USD. We do not engage in reoccurring billing. Once your subscription expires only you can renew your subscription.

How to Subscribe Using Paypal
Subscribing to view the catalogs is easy. Just click Subscription Options and you'll be taken directly to our our subscription page where you will have the opportunity to view sample catalog pages and select from different subscription options. The easiest and fastest way to gain access to the catalogs is to subscribe using Paypal. If you don't already have a Paypal account I urge you to take a few minutes to set up a personal account, it is the easiest and most secure way of transferring money on the internet. You will pay no fees for sending money or maintaining a Paypal account.

Once you click the Pay Now icon you will be taken to our Paypal account to enter your payment information. You will be given a minimum of one months access to the catalogs regardles of the day of the month you choose to subscribe. If you have any issues accessing the catalogs after receiving your password, E-MAIL me and we'll get the issue resolved.

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